About Us
Mission Statement
Ensure the electoral process will be conducted professionally, consistently demonstrating neutrality and non-partisan decision-making, based upon a thorough knowledge of and compliance with all election laws by administering them timely, responsively and with integrity on behalf of those we serve.
Registrar of Voters' Pledge
Registrar of Voters upholds the Constitution of the United States and the laws, policies and court decisions of federal, state and local jurisdictions;
Registrar of Voters is committed to excellence and competence by maintaining the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the elections process through continuing education and self evaluation;
Registrar of Voters is accountable for maintaining public confidence in honest and impartial elections which he/she conducts in a fair, efficient and accurate manner;
Registrar of Voters dignifies voters by providing equal opportunity to participate in the democratic process;
Registrar of Voters is responsible for just and equitable treatment of the general public, elected officials and members of his/her profession;
Registrar of Voters manifests a positive role in community relations by being accessible and receptive to both individuals and groups;
Registrar of Voters has the courage and stamina to protect the public's interest from manipulation for personal or partisan gain while respecting the rights of all;
Registrar of Voters is flexible and innovative within the framework of the law in carrying out his/her duties on behalf of the public's interest;
Registrar of Voters conducts all fiscal responsibilities with wisdom and integrity , and is accountable for all funds and resources committed to his/her charge;
Registrar of Voters maintains a productive and efficient operation through a well managed elections environment;
Registrar of Voters endeavors to maintain the highest level of integrity in performing all duties of his/her profession.