May 5, 2020
City of Blythe Special Measure Mail Ballot Election
As of 5/14/2020 a total of 4,767 ballots have been issued and 1,434 have been returned.
Accessible Voter Information Guide
How to Mark your Vote-by-Mail Ballot Video
Notice of Central Counting place
Signature Verification Statement
Remote Accessible Vote By Mail
Unsigned Ballot Envelope Statement
Election Updates
2020-05-22 Registrar’s office certifies results of May 5 election
2020-05-04 Voters encouraged to vote in tomorrow’s City of Blythe mail ballot election
2020-05-01 One Percent Manual Tally
2020-04-24 Election Observer Panel Orientation
2020-04-24 Vote-by-Mail ballot Processing for May 5, 2020 City of Blythe Special Measure Mail Ballot Election
2020-04-21 Monday is deadline to register to vote in May 5 City of Blythe Mail Ballot Election
2020-04-06 Vote-by-Mail ballots for May 5 election on the way to voters