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Student Pollworker Program

The Student Poll Worker Program is an ideal opportunity for students to both participate and learn the value of civic participation and democracy.

Student Poll Worker Brochure
Parent/Teacher Letter & Nomination Form

What is the Student Pollworker Program?

In 1998, the California Legislature adopted provisions which allow students meeting particular requirements, to work at the polls on Election Day.

What Does a Student Pollworker Do?

Student Pollworkers perform the same tasks of adult Pollworkers. After attending Election Officer training, the Student Pollworker is assigned to a polling place and he/she receives an appointment letter indicating the name and location of the polling place and with whom he/she will be working. All Election Officers are responsible for assisting with voting equipment set-up on Election Eve and must work all day on Election Day. On Election Day, all Election Officers must report to the polling place by 6:15 a.m. Lunch and other break times are coordinated throughout the day. Polls close at 8:00 p.m. and Election Officers are responsible for completing required paperwork, preparing ballot cartridges for transport, stowing/storing voting equipment, and closing and securing the polling place facility. All Elections Officers are dismissed upon completion of required tasks.

Who is Eligible?

Riverside County students of Public and Private schools, meeting the following criteria:

  • Attending school in a participating school district
  • Have at least a 2.5 GPA
  • Have a completed Nomination Form on file with the Registrar of Voters Office

For more information or to apply call:


(951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free).

Fax: (951) 486-7320 or email: [email protected]