Voter Registration
Am I eligible to vote in Riverside County?
You may register to vote if you are at least 18 years old (on or before Election Day) and meet all of the following requirements:
• Citizen of the United States
• Resident of California
• Not in prison for the conviction of a felony
• Not prohibited from voting by a court because of mental incompetency
You can check your voter registration status at the Secretary of State’s website.
Eligible 16- and 17-year-olds can pre-register to vote if they meet all the following requirements. The ROV will not send a ballot until legal voting age is reached.
• Citizen of the United States
• Resident of California
• Not in prison for the conviction of a felony
• Not prohibited from voting by a court because of mental incompetency
How do I register to vote?
You may register to vote or change your registration information online through the Secretary of State's website. You will be asked to enter your personal information and provide your driver's license number and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Voter registration forms are also available at the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office and at most of the following locations:
• U.S. Post Office
• Library
• Department of Motor Vehicles
You can also call the Riverside County Registrar of Voters at (951) 486-7200 and a voter registration form will be mailed to you.
I am a college student living in Riverside County. Can I register with my college residence address?
If you are a college student, you may register to vote using your college residence address or you may choose to use your permanent residence. California law (Elections Code Section 2025) allows college students to establish domicile or legal residence where they attend school if they so desire.
What if I have a new address, new name or party change?
You can update your registration information by visiting the Secretary of State's website.
How can I cancel my voter registration?
A cancellation form is available at Voter Update Cancellation Form. Complete, print, and return to the Registrar of Voter’s office by email at [email protected], via fax at (951) 486-7335, by mail or in-person to 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507.
I receive mail for a deceased voter. How do I notify your office that a voter is deceased?
You may notify our office and provide us with the deceased voter’s information by calling (951) 486-7200. We will cancel the voter’s registration once we confirm the information.
I receive mail for someone who no longer lives at my residence? How do I notify your office?
You may notify our office and provide us with the voter’s information by calling (951) 486-7200. We will cancel the voter’s registration once we confirm the information.
What happens after I register to vote?
Once your voter registration form is received and processed via online submission or by mail, you will be sent confirmation when your voter pre-registration application is processed, or you will be contacted if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility. You will also receive a Voter Notification Card within four to six weeks indicating that you are now a registered voter.
When is the last day to register to vote in an election?
If you are registering or re-registering less than 15 days before an election you will need to complete the Same-Day Voter Registration process and request your ballot in person at the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office or at one of the vote centers in the county
I did not vote in the last election. Do I need to re-register?
No. You are registered to vote if you remain at the same address, and you will continue to receive election materials in the mail. However, if you move to a different address or have not voted in the last several elections, you may be sent a notice requesting that you either confirm that you have not moved or provide current residence address information. Before removing your name from the voter registration list, the Registrar of Voters office will attempt to contact you. If you do not respond for two consecutive General Elections, your name will be removed from the voter registration list.
Can a person vote if they are currently incarcerated?
If you are an inmate in a Riverside County jail and want to vote, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:
• A U.S. citizen and a resident of California
• At least 18 years of age on Election Day
• Not currently in state or federal prison for the conviction of a felony
• No currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court
You can register to vote if you are:
• In a county jail
• On parole
• On probation
• On mandatory supervision
• On post-release community supervision
• On federal supervised release
• A person with juvenile wardship adjudication
Can a person with a felony background register to vote and be eligible to vote?
A person with a criminal history can register to vote and be eligible to vote if the following applies: if they are on parole, probation, mandatory supervision, under post-release community supervision, federal supervised release, or in a county jail. A person with a criminal history cannot vote if they are currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony. Once a prisoner is released, their right to vote is automatically restored, and they can visit or fill out a paper registration form to register to vote.
Voting File Maintenance
How does the ROV keep voting records current?
Voter file maintenance is an important function of the Registrar of Voters office. The Registrar of Voters office is continually working to improve voter file maintenance that occurs on a regular basis throughout the entire year and not just during election cycles.
In California, Elections Code (Sections 2200-2227) mandates that the Registrar of Voters follow file maintenance procedures to update voter records. This includes cross-checking records using data from the following government agencies:
• The United States Postal Service’s National Change of Address information (NCOA).
• The Department of Motor Vehicles Change of Address information (DMVCOA).
• Riverside County Registrar of Voters Official Mail Ballots, Voter Information Guides, and other correspondence
returned by the United States Postal Service as “undeliverable.”
• Riverside County Department of Public Health and the Secretary of State regarding deceased person.
• Other California counties where voters have re-registered in their county.
• The Secretary of State during statewide voter registration duplicate checks.
In addition to the state mandates for voter file maintenance, the Registrar of Voters office is working with national credit bureau firm Experian, which provides services that will help with voter file maintenance.
Voting Options
How can I vote?
There are three ways registered voters in Riverside County can vote:
Vote in Person
Submit your vote-by-mail ballot at a Drop-off Location
In California, the requirement to send a mail ballot to all active registered voters began when Assembly Bill 860 was signed into law as urgency legislation for the November 3, 2020, Statewide General Election as a way to add protections from the spread of COVID-19. Governor Newsom then signed Assembly Bill 37 into law in 2021, extending the requirement for the Registrar to mail ballots to every active registered voter for each election.
When will my ballot arrive in the mail?
Ballots will be mailed to Riverside County registered voters starting 29 days prior to Election Day.
What should I do if I received 2 ballots in the mail?
If you received more than one ballot, please contact the Registrar of Voters office at (951) 486-7200. The first eligible ballot received at the Registrar of Voter office is counted. The second ballot is automatically voided. It is important to note that voting twice is a felony and is illegal.
How do I know Riverside County received my Vote-by-Mail ballot?
You can opt in to receive notifications via text message (SMS), email, or voice call on the status of your Vote-by-Mail ballot by signing up for the “Where’s My Ballot?” tool available through the Secretary of State’s website at You will receive automatic updates when the ROV mails your ballot, receives your ballot, counts your ballot, or identifies an issue with your ballot.
What is the deadline to cast a Vote-by-Mail ballot?
For your mail ballot to be counted, your ballot must be:
Postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the Registrar of Voters no later than 7 days after Election Day.
Dropped off at any Vote Center by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Delivered to the Registrar of Voters by 8 p.m. on Election Day
- Deposited into a ballot drop-off location by 8 p.m. on Election Day
Can someone return my Vote-by-Mail ballot for me?
In 2016, Assembly Bill 1921 expanded the law on ballot collection to let any person, not just a family member, return someone’s ballot for them.
California is one of 31 states that allows a person voting by mail to designate someone else to return their ballot.
State law requires that the ballot collector fill out their name, relationship to the voter and signature on each ballot envelope.
Only turn your ballot over to someone who you trust and make sure that the person takes the time to fill out information in your presence, so you know that person is being accountable.
If I lose my Vote-by Mail-ballot, can I have a replacement ballot issued to me?
Voters can request a replacement ballot by calling the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office at (951) 486-7200 or going in person to the Registrar of Voters office or any 10day or 4 day vote center.
What if I forget to sign my Vote-by-Mail return envelope?
If you forgot to sign your ballot envelope, please call the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office at (951) 486-7200 and they will send you an Unsigned Ballot Statement requesting your signature.
What happens if my Vote-by-Mail envelope signature differs from my voter registration record?
Vote-by-Mail ballots go through a series of signature verification steps. You should sign your ballot as close as possible to the signature on your voter registration record. The election official who is verifying the voter’s signature will compare the return ballot envelope signature to the voter registration signature. If the signature is deemed not matching, it is sent to another election official for a second review. The election official takes a closer look at the image and reference registration to decide whether to accept or reject the signature. If rejected, the ballot signature goes to a final tier review for a deeper look. If a signature is deemed non-matching in the final tier, the voter is contacted via mail and given the opportunity to update their signature on file by completing a Signature Verification Statement.
If I leave something blank on my ballot, will it be counted?
If a voter does not make a choice for a particular contest, no vote is recorded for that contest ONLY. The rest of the ballot still counts. You can vote for as many or as few contests on your ballot as you choose.
What should I do if I made a mistake on my Vote-by-Mail ballot?
You can request a replacement Vote-by-Mail ballot by calling the Riverside County Registrar of Voter’s at (951) 486-7200 or in-person at a Riverside County Vote Center or by visiting the Registrar of Voters’ office at 2720 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507.
When does my Vote-by-Mail ballot get counted?
Ballots returned through the mail or via a secure drop box are processed as soon as they are received at the Registrar of Voters office. The initial results on Election Night at 8:20 p.m. reflect most of the Vote-by-Mail ballots that were received at the Registrar of Voters office prior to Election Day.
What happens to undeliverable ballots?
If a Vote-by-Mail ballot is returned as undeliverable to the Registrar of Voters office, it works diligently to cross-check records using data from government agencies. It is the responsibility of voters to update their voter registration record when changes to mailing addresses are made.
Vote In Person
Voters in Riverside County can vote in -person at any of the county’s 10 day or 4 day Vote Centers. Voters can also vote using an accessible ballot-marking device at any of the county’s 10 day or 4 day Vote Centers
I noticed the location of my polling place has changed or is no longer a polling place – what happened?
On December 14, 2021, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved the implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act in Riverside County. In this model, Vote Centers replaces polling places and provide voters more choices on where and when to vote in-person. The Voter’s Choice Act model mandates that each registered voter receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot starting 29 days before Election Day. In-person, early voting is expanded with several Vote Centers open for 10 days and all Vote Centers open for four days, including Election Day. Ballot drop-off box locations are open for 29 days, including Election Day.
Do I have to bring my Vote-by-Mail ballot to a Vote Center if I want to vote in-person?
No. Voters do not need to bring the Vote-by-Mail ballot they received in the mail to vote in- person at a Vote Center. Once you have voted at the Vote Center, your original Vote-by-Mail ballot will be voided.
Where can I find my nearest Vote Center?
There are 10 day and 4 day Vote Centers to choose from in Riverside County. To find a Vote Center nearest you, visit 29 days before the election.
When are Vote Centers open?
Early voting will begin 29 day prior to Election Day the first Vote Center opening at the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office at 2720 Gateway Drive in Riverside. This location remains open through Election Day. 10 day Vote Centers open and 4 day Vote Centers open at various locations countywide. For locations and hours of operation, visit 29 days before the election.
Do I need to show ID to vote?
In most cases, California voters do not have to show identification before they vote. You may have to show one form of identification at the Vote Center if you are voting for the first time after registering by mail or online and you did NOT provide the following on your application (or any other identification) As indicated in the California Code of Regulations section 20107(d)(1) the below are examples of acceptable photo identification:
State-issued driver license or identification number
The last four digits of your social security number. The following are some of the acceptable types of identification according to state and federal laws:
Employee identification
Military identification
Student identification
Health club identification
Insurance plan identification
Credit card or debit card
What other services do Vote Centers offer?
In addition to serving as a location for ballot drop-off and voting via a ballot-marking device, Vote Centers offer Riverside County registered voters the opportunity to:
Receive a replacement ballot
Register to vote or update your registration and vote on the same day
Receive voting assistance, including assistance in multiple languages
Ballot Drop-Off Locations
Ballot Drop-Off Locations provide voters with a safe, accessible, and contact free method to return their voted Vote-by-Mail ballot.Ballot Drop-Off Locationsare open for 29 days, including Election Day and give voters the convenience to drop off their voted ballot, no postage necessary, at any location in Riverside County.
Are Ballot Drop-Off Locations monitored?
Yes. In Riverside County, Ballot Drop-Off Locations are available to the public and are manned. They are located inside facilities such as city halls or county buildings, which maintain regular business hours of operation. Drop boxes are also opened and staffed at non-government facilities throughout the County.
When are ballots collected at Drop-off Locations?
According to the California Code of Regulations section 20136, ballots shall be retrieved from drop boxes at times determined by the elections official, but shall be subject to the following:
Ballots shall be retrieved from both staffed and unstaffed drop boxes at least every 96 hours, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, between the 29th day before the election and the 10th day before an election.
Ballots shall be retrieved from staffed drop boxes at least every 72 hours, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, after the 10th day before the election through the closing of the polls on Election Day. The elections official shall develop procedures for contacting locations of staffed drop boxes between ballot retrieval periods to determine if an additional retrieval is needed.
Upon the closing of the polls on Election Day, all drop boxes shall be locked and covered or otherwise made unavailable at 8:00 p.m. to ensure that no ballots are dropped off after the polls have closed. In the event there are voters in line at 8:00 p.m., or a court order has been issued extending the time for the closing of the polls, the drop boxes may remain open until those voters have cast their ballot or the court order extending time has lapsed.
Election Results
When will the Riverside County Registrar of Voters announce election results?
After the polls close at 8 p.m. on Election Day, election results will be announced as follows:
Approx. 8:20 p.m. on Election Day: Vote-by-Mail and early voting (in-person) results will be released.
Approx. 9 p.m. on Election Day: First vote center results may be released as workers transport ballots from around the county to Riverside for counting. This update will include Vote Center ballots arriving to the registrar’s office for tabulation prior to 9 p.m.
Every hour from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.: Vote center results will be released as workers continue transporting ballots from around the county to Riverside for counting. Results will then be uploaded every hour until approximately 3 a.m. the next Day.
The public may access election results by visiting The official certified results will not be available until 28 days after election day. This is to process, verify, and count ballots which arrive via mail (postmarked by Election Day and received within 7 days) and Conditional Voter Registration (CVR) ballots. This period is known as the Official Election Canvass.
How does the Registrar of Voters ensure only one vote is counted per registered voter?
Each voter is only allowed to cast one ballot. If a voter returns their ballot received through the mail and then votes in person at a Vote Center, our office will only count the first ballot received. Additionally, it is illegal to vote more than once, and the voter’s information would be turned over to the District Attorney’s office to investigate.
How and when are Conditional Voter Registration (CVR) ballots counted?
In California, CVR ballots serve as a fail-safe method of ensuring all voters who show up to the polls can cast a ballot. All CVR ballots are carefully checked by county elections officials to confirm that the person who voted by casting a CVR ballot is both registered and that they did not cast a ballot by mail or at a Vote Center on Election Day. Due to the additional human review and verification needed for CVR ballots, they are processed after Election Day and after the processing of Vote-by-Mail ballots.
Can the public observe votes being counted?
Yes. The public has a right to observe all the ballot processes and can do so as an election observer. Also available is live streaming during the ballot processes activities and can be located Election Video Streams. For more information on observing and tours of the election process, call the Registrar of Voters office at (951) 486-7200.
How long are ballots kept after Election Day?
For elections for federal offices – President, Vice President, U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, ballots and identification envelopes must be kept unopened and unaltered for 22 months from the date of the election. For state or local elections, ballots and identification envelopes must be kept unopened and unaltered for six months from the date of the election.
Election Officers (Pollworkers)
Who can serve as an Election Officer (pollworker) for Riverside County?
To be an Election Officer the following is required:
Must be a resident of California
Must be 18 years old on or before Election Day
Students 16+ may work as Election Officers but have additional requirements.
All Election Officers must be able to read and write English
How can I apply to become an Election Officer in Riverside County?
Click on the following link to access the application.
Are Election Officers compensated and what are the roles and responsibilities?
Although serving as an Election Officer is considered a volunteer position, Riverside County compensates all Election Officers at a rate of $20.00 per hour for hours worked.
All Election Officers are required to attend a state mandated training session. Training sessions are scheduled during the day and evenings to accommodate busy lifestyles. Compensation of $60.00 is paid for attending the required training session. As an Election Officer some core duties will include:
Setting up the Vote Center prior to the first day of voting.
Staffing the Vote Center during your scheduled dates and hours.
Opening and closing the Vote Center at the specified hours.
Opening the Vote Center three days prior to Election Day from 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Opening the Vote Center on Election Day at 7:00 a.m. and closing at 8:00 p.m.
Greeting and processing voters.
Instructing voters how to correctly mark ballots and on the use of the Accessible Voting Unit.
Accounting for and returning all ballots and election materials to the Registrar of Voters office immediately after the close of the Vote Center.
Can students serve as Election Officers?
Yes. Students that are 16 years of age or older can serve as election officers. They must attend school in a school district within Riverside County, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, and have a completed nomination form on file at the Riverside County Registrar of Voters.
Students and High Schools can learn more about Riverside County’s Election Program at Student Pollworker Program.
Can Riverside County employees serve as Election Officers?
With the Board of Supervisors’ support, County employees are allowed to work at Election Day Polls without forfeiting salary or leave time. If you are a Riverside County employee and interested in being an Election Officer, please call the Registrar of Voters Office at (951) 486-7341.
Data Requests
I have been receiving political mail and phone calls at my home. How are they obtaining my information?
This information can be obtained from a variety of sources, including the voter registration list. Current California State law allows voter registration data to be obtained for election, governmental, scholarly, or political research purposes.
How do I request GIS maps?
This form is used for the public to request GIS data or maps from the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters office. Fill in and submit this form to receive a purchase order regarding the data requested. If you have any questions on the available data or data pricing, please contact the Registrar of Voters office at (951) 486-7200 or via email at [email protected].
How do I request a Public Record?
A Public Records Request (PRA) may be made in writing or verbally, in person or by phone. Further, a written request may be made in paper or electronic form and may be mailed, emailed, faxed, or personally delivered. You may submit a request through NextRequest.
How many registered voters are there in Riverside County?
As of the 2024, there are approximately 1.36 million registered voters in Riverside County. You may view voter registration information by visiting our website at and selecting Elections and then Voter Registration Summary.